Curriculum Vitae

 Name: Ahmed Mohammed Mustafa Lazim

Date of birth: 1/1/1970.

Place of birth: Elrahad (North Kordofan State).

Nationality: Sudanese.

Marital Status: Married.

Specialty: Range Science (Range management).

Position: - Research Professor – National coordinator of forage and range research program. Director of Elobeid Research Station.

Present Address: Elobeid Agricultural Research Station- Elobeid

                             Mobile: 0912930096

                                         : 0121747044

                         E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic Qualification

  • Ph.D. In Forage and Range 2009, Sudan Academy of Science, (SAS). Khartoum, Sudan.
  • M.Sc.In Range Science 2001, Sudan University of Science and Technology. Khartoum, Sudan.
  • B.Sc. Honor in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies – Forestry and Range Sciences Section 1995, University of Kordofan. Elobeid, Sudan.


January, 2021 till presently director of Elobeid Research Station-North Kordofan-Sudan.

November, 2018 till presently – national coordinator of forage and range research program. From August 2020 till presently, -Research professor at Elobied Research Station.

Associate research professor from April 2012 till August 2020.

Assistant research professor September 2006 till April 2012.

March 2003to December 2009 director of Kadugli Research Station.

  • 2001- 2003: Researcher and lecturer (part timer) in College of Forestry and Range Science –Range Science Department- Sudan University of Science and Technology. (Taught the following courses: - Range Inventory, browsing, range management and range improvement).                                                                     1999 - September 2001:   Research Assistant and Teacher Assistant (part-timer) in College of forestry and Range Science –Range Science Section- Sudan University of science and technology. 1998: Research Assistant – Forestry Research Center -Khartoum Soba.

1996- 1997: Teacher in secondary schools.

In addition to: -

2018- Participate in community training of Om kadada locality of North Darfur in natural resources management especially establishment of ranches in collaboration with Sahra organization for development.

2016- Participate in technology transfer through, establishment of ranch in Farajalla area using agro-forestry system and growing endangered and perennial range species.

- Participated in training of extension officers of Ministry of Agriculture of North Kordofan in utilization of green forage and crop residues in animal feeding (June/2019).

- Participation in establishment of Range Science Department- Sudan University of Science and Technology.

- Participation in undergraduate field and lab training in utilization of fodder trees, Range Inventory, forage crops, Range management, Range improvement, Range ecology, Range plant properties, plant taxonomy and animal production- Range Science Section- Sudan University of science and technology.                                                                                                                                                                                            -Contributed in conducting the project of International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Area (ICARDA), entitled: - Integrated Management for Crop, Range and Livestock in Dry Land. Conducting the following activities: Internal coordinator of range and forage activities, establishment of multipurpose fodder trees in the nursery, establishment of cactus farms, distribution of multipurpose fodder treesʼ seedlings to the local communities, training local communities in establishment of seedlings, establishment of ranch in Faris area using agro-forestry system and water harvesting application.

-Conducted   training of pastoralists in Range protection and improvement, in collaboration with South Kordofan Rural Development program (IFAD) and South Kordofan Range Administration.

-Participation in field training for undergraduate students of Kordofan and Khartoum university.

- Supervised 8 students in graduate projects, 3 M. Sc. one Ph.D students.

Participated in Final exam of M.Sc. and Ph.D. Students.

I- Internal examiner for 4 M.Sc. Students.

II- External examiner for two M.Sc. Students and one Ph.D. student.                                                                                      

Consultancies and Committees

2022-Consultant of International Labor Organization (ILO) in Building Capacity for inclusive Service Delivery Project. Conducting the following activities:                 1- Mobilizing three communities in sheep and goat fattening .The mobilized communities were: Kujum community, Abuza-ema community and Amsharow community (Sodary locality of North Korodofan State) 2- Conducting training in sheep and goat fattening for 150 beneficiaries who were selected from the three pre-mentioned communities, the period of training was 9 days and the training was hold in rural areas (Kujum, Abuza-ema and Amsharow ).

The beneficiaries consist of youth, women and disables. Also, 2022-Consultant of International Labor Organization (ILO) in above mentioned project. Conducting the following activities:1- Mobilizing of Tabrat community (Guli  locality of White Nile State) in Cheese production and dairy products. 2- Conducting training in Cheese production and dairy products for 100 beneficiaries besides about 100 audience beneficiaries who were selected from Tabrat community, the period of training was 10 days and the training was hold in rural areas (Eltabarat community).

The beneficiaries consist of youth, women and disables.

2021-Consultant of International Labor Organization (ILO) in Building Capacity for inclusive Service Delivery Project. Conducting the following activities:1- Mobilizing three communities in sheep and goat fattening .The mobilized communities were: Umdamir community (Umruaba locality of North Korodofan) , ElKokeity Community (West Bara locality of North Korodofan) and Elayadya community (West Bara locality of North Korodofan) 2- Conducting sheep and goat fattening for 250 beneficiaries who were selected from the three pre-mentioned communities, the period of training was 12 days and the training was hold in rural areas (Umdamir, ElKokeity and Elayadya).

The beneficiaries consist of youth, women and disables.

2019- Consultant of ZOA,SOS and World Relief (WR) in ZOA Baseline + Scoping Study of Peace Environment, and Energy (SSPEE) Sudan in South Darfur, North Darfur,West Darfur, and Gedarif States. Conducting the following activities: Preparing the questions for range and pasture in both group discussion and Key Informant Interview (KII), Collect data of group discussion, Key Informant Interview (KII), supervisor of enumerators for Baseline line data using recent program (Kobo collect), writing the report of range resources in West Darfur and revising the report of range resources in North Darfur.

2019- Consultant of Animal Wealth Marketing and Resilience Project (IFAD) in Natural resources baseline study in North Kordofan, West Kordofan, Blue Nile, White Nile and Sinnar States. Conducting the following activities: Participated in the work shop of baseline study questionnaire discussions, adding questions in range and forestry for group discussion, Collect data of group discussion and Key Informant Interview (KII) for North Kordofan State.

2019- Consultant of Technologies Transfer for Africa Agricultural Transformation (TAAT), Financed by African Bank, Conducting the following activities: training of Agricultural extensionists in green forage and optimum utilization of crop residues. Field training to farmers in optimum utilization of crop residues participated in supervision of African Innovation Platform in North Kordofan (Ten sites).

2017-Member of the committee of revision the curricula of Forestry and Range   Science Section of East Kordofan University. Revising the curricula of Range   Science.

2012-Member of the committee of agricultural investment plan to Bara- Jabra Elsheikh and Odurman road (North Kordofan State).

2012- Member of second agricultural fair committee (North Kordofan State).  

2012- President of the committee of development of agricultural sector 'potentials (North Kordofan State).    

2011- Participated in preparing of Strategy for sustainable production of natural resources and agriculture in Sheikan Locality, North Kordofan State.

2011- Member of Range reseeding program committee in North Kordofan State.  

2011- Participated in preparing of workshop for analyzing the results of animal number estimation statistical survey.  

Participated in implementing of climate change adaptation project at Bara Locality in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and Animal wealth of Norh kordofan State.

Establishing green forage ( Medicago sativa) in village for increasing milk production.

Participated in paper entitled future visions for animal wealth and range in North Kordofan State.

(2003-2009)- Participated in implementing of South Kordofan Rural Development program (IFAD) as technical adviser of range activities, participated in preparing a curriculum of Range Management and improvement.  


(Scientific papers)

Papers Published in Refereed Journals:

1- Ahmed Mohammed Mustafa Lazim¹, Babo Fadllala Mohammed² and Salih Elagab Elsheikh³ (2012). A Note on Impact of Management Practices on Herbaceous Forage Productivity and Carrying Capacity in the Rangelands of South Kordofan, Sudan

The paper was published in Sudan Journal of Desertification Research,4 (1).

2-Dawelbait E.M. and Ahmed M.M. Lazim (2012). Nutritive value, for some important range species, northern kordofan, sudan. Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 2(5): 398-400.        

3- A.M.M.A. El Hag, A.A. Hassabo, I. Bushara, M.O. Eisa, A.M.M. lazim, I.A. Ishag (2012). Effect of growth stages and systems on range vegetation characteristics in El Rosa, North Kordofan, Sudan. Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 1(1).

4-Lazim, A.M and Babo, F. (2011). Proximate Chemical Composition of Herbaceous Forage in Rangelands of South Kordofan (Journal of Scientific Research of Sciences and Arts (10) University of DALANJ. Sudan. pp.1-14.


5-Gaiballa, A. K., Lazim. A. M, and Mustafa. H. F. (2003) Estimation of available browse for Acacia tortilis and Acacia mellifera in Butana area of Central Sudan, publisher (Sudan Silva 9 (2)2003). Pp. 46-55.

6-Lazim, A. M., Babo, F. and Elsheikh, S.G. (2013). Impact of some management practices on available browse production in rangelands in Tillow area, South Kordofan- State. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research. 21. pp.39-46.


7-Lazim, A. M. (2013). Proximate chemical composition of leaves and twigs of some fodder trees in rangelands in Kadugli area, South Kordofan-State. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research.21.pp.47-56.

8-Ahmed Mohammed Mustafa Lazim¹ and Babo Fadllala Mohammed² (2014). Impact of Management Practices on Ground Cover in the Rangelands at Tillow Area, South Kordofan state, Sudan. Sudan Journal of Desertification Research. 6 (1). Pp 46-57.

9-Ahmed Mohammed Mustafa Lazim and Elnazeer Mohammed Dewallbait (2014). Estimation of Browse Biomass Productivity for Balanites aegyptiaca (L) Del.) In Dry Lands of North Kordofan, Sudan. Sudan Journal of Desertification Research 6 (1), 58-66.

10-Mozzamil Ahmed Mohammed Eltalib¹, Ahmed Mohammed Mustafa Lazim² and Elnazeir Mohammed Dawelbait (2015).The Influence of Enclosures on vegetation attributes of Degraded Rangelands of North Darfur, Sudan   Sudan Journal of Desertification Research.7(1):13-25.

11Nancy Ibrahim Abdalla¹*, Galal Abas Fashir¹, Elkheir Mugadam Salih1, Ahmed

Mohammed Mustafa Lazim², Mohammed Ibrahim Abdelsalam¹, Mohammed Mustafa Mohammed¹ (2015). Estimation of Browse Biomass Productivity for Acacia mellifera (vah) Benth. In Tendalti Area of White Nile, Sudan. International Research Net Work. Pp, 3-11.

12-Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed, Abdelaziz K. Gaiballa, Ahmed M. Lazim and Khalid H. Mohammed. (2015).The Influence of Plant Growth Conditions on Rangeland Management in Kordofan Region, Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 4 (8), pp. 338-345.

13-Ahmed. M. M. Lazim¹ Suaad. B. Abana², Faisal .M. A. Elhag3 and Abdelrahman. A. Khartir¹. (2014). Effects of Season and Proximity to Water Points on the Range Attributes on sites in Kadugli locality of South Kordofan State, Sudan.

University of Kordofan Journal of Natural Resources and environmental Studies.1 (2):83-97.

14- Omer I. M. Olom¹, Ahmed M. M. Lazim², Salih O. T. Kafe AND Maroud E.Maroud (2015). Effect of Management on Grazing Resources at Elain Natural Forest Reserve in North Kordofan State, Sudan. JNAS Journal,4 (11)1174-1179.

15- Ahmed.M. M. Lazim¹ and Elnazeir.M. Dawelbait². (2017). Estimation of Pods Biomass Productivity and its some Quality Parametres for Acacia tortilis and Acacia senegal in the dry lands of North Kordofan. University of Kordofan Journal of Natural Resources and environmental Studies. Special issue: October, 2017.

16- Ahmed M. M. Lazim¹, Elnazir M. Daw-elbait², Sahar Izzat³ and Salih.A. Elsheikh¹     (2019). Optimum seed rate for Vigna sun-hum (Tagtaga) for rangeland rehabilitation in sandy soil of North Kordofan Journal of Rangeland Science, 9( 2). 151-158.

C- Two Conference Papers

1-Lazim, A. M., Babo, F. and Elsheikh, S.G. (2011). Effect of Four Management Practices on Available Browse Production in South Kordofan. The Paper presented in the Workshop on Integrated Management of Agro- Silvo- Pastoral system for Sustainable Production, organized by Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan in collaboration with French Embassy (Khartoum) &CIRAD, France. March 15-17.2011, Elobeid, Sudan.


2- Ahmed.M. M. Lazim¹ and Elnazeir.M. Dawelbait². (2017). Estimation of Pods Biomass Productivity and its some Quality Parametres for Acacia tortilis and Acacia senegal in the dry lands of North Kordofan. The Paper presented in the Regional workshop in SMART Agriculture, organized by Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan in October, 2017. Elobeid, Sudan.

Proceeding and books of abstracts

1- Lazim, A.M .M.¹, Elnazir M. Daw-elbait², Sahar Izzat³ and Salih.A. Elsheikh¹. (2018). Optimum seed rate for Vigna sun-hum (Tagtaga) for rangeland rehabilitation in sandy soil of North Kordofan. In: Proceedings, special issue. The 62nd meeting of the National Crop Husbandry Committee, Raddad. E.Y., Fadlalla. A.S and Elhagwa.A.I (eds.), Agricultural Research Corporation, Wad Medani, Sudan.


2- Lazim, A.M .M., Gaiballa, A. K., and Mustafa. H. F. (2018). Estimation of available browse for Acacia tortilis and Acacia mellifera in Butana area of Central Sudan. In: Summary and Abstracts of Forestry Research Recommendations for the Period 2000 to 2015, Raddad. E.Y and Ballal. M.E (eds). Agricultural Research Corporation, Wad Medani, Sudan.

                                                                                                                                            3-Lazim. A. M. (2018). Proximate composition of some fodder trees in South Kordofan state Kordofan State. In: Summary and Abstracts of Forestry Research Recommendations for the Period 2000 to 2015, Raddad. E.Y and Ballal. M.E (eds). Agricultural Research Corporation, Wad Medani, Sudan.                                                                                                                          

4- Lazim, A. M., Babo, F. and Elsheikh, S.G. (2018). Effect of Four Management Practices on Forage Production in South Kordofan State. In: Summary and Abstracts of Forestry Research Recommendations for the Period 2000 to 2015, Raddad. E.Y and Ballal. M.E (eds). Agricultural Research Corporation, Wad Medani, Sudan.                                                                                                                           D- Six Released Research   Technologies

1-Lazim. A. M, Gaiballa, A. K., and Mustafa. H. F. (2006). Estimation of available browse for Acacia tortilis and Acacia mellifera in Butana area of Central Sudan. The Paper submitted to the 41st Meeting of the National Crop Husbandry Committee, December, 2006.

2-Lazim. A. M. (2006). Proximate composition of some fodder trees in South Kordofan State. The Paper submitted to the 41st Meeting of the National Crop Husbandry Committee, December, 2006.

3- Lazim, A. M., Babo, F. and Elsheikh, S.G. (2009). Effect of Four Management Practices on Forage Production in South Kordofan State. The Paper submitted to the 46th Meeting of the National Crop Husbandry Committee, June, 2009.

4- Elnazeir M.Dawelbait1 , Ahmed M.M. Lazim1 Elkhalil.E. Breima1(2013). Improving   Range Productivity through Enclosures and Reseeding of the Three Endangered Range Species in North Kordofan, Sudan. Released June 2013.

5- Ahmed M. M. Lazim¹, Elnazir M. Daw-elbait², Sahar Izzat³ and Salih.A. Elsheikh¹(2018). Optimum seed rate for Vigna sun-hum (Tagtaga) for rangeland rehabilitation in sandy soil of North Kordofan. The Paper submitted to the 62th Meeting of the National Crop Husbandry Committee, April , 2018.

6- Elgailani A. Abdalla, Faisal M. A. El-Hag, Ahmed M.M.Lazim, Elnazir M. Dawalbait, Tarig E. Ahmed, Abdulrahman A. Khatir, and Salih A. Elagab(2018). Alwakeel, an early maturing cowpea variety for forage and rangelands rehabilitation in the dry lands of North Kordofan.

The Paper submitted to the Second Meeting (2018) of the Crop released  Committee, April, 2018.

Wrote the following Books,Training Curriculum and leaflets

1-Lazim .A.M.M (2022). Cheese Production and Dairy Products (leaflet in Arabic).

2-Lazim .A.M.M and Jumaa .B.J (2021). Sheep and goat fattening(leaflet in Arabic).

3- Lazim .A.M.M and Jumaa .B.J (2021). Utilization of forage in Sheep and goat fattening (Training Curriculum in Arabic).

4-Maryoud. N.Maryoud, Jumaa .B.J,Ahmed.M.M.Lazim and Musa Tibin (2020). Range management, development ,improvement. International House for Publication and distribution, Egypt (book in Arabic)

5-Lazim, A.M.M, Sultan, M and Agomi (2005). Range Management and improvement   (Training Curriculum in Arabic).

6 Lazim, A.M.M (2008). Range Management, improvement and Protection (Training Curriculum in Arabic).

7- Lazim, A.M (2016). Range improvement (Leaflet in Arabic).

8- Lazim, A.M (2016). Green Forge (Leaflet in Arabic).

9- Lazim, A.M and Elmardi, Hatim Jummaa (2016) Utilization of crop residues (Leaflet in Arabic).

Training Courses

1-    Advance course in English (25th May- 12th September 1996).

2-    Course in Range management and improvement. (6th May – 18th May 2000).

3-    Courses in computer (8th July- 29th July 2000).

4-    Course in Statistics and experimental design (17th September -19thNovember 2000).

5-    Course in internet (9th May – 18th May 2002).

6-    Course in integration of plant and animal production in dry area. International Center for Agriculture Research in Dry Area (ICARDA). (5th June – 23rd 2005).

7-    Training Course in Research Methodology. (31st January-13th February 2012).

8-    Capacity building workshop on practical project cycle and proposal writing at Dry land Research Center (DRLC), El-Obied during the period17-21 March, 2013.

9-    Sudan/RAILS Training workshop on the use of eRails Platform and some web2 tools. Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC)-Elobeid Research Station in collaboration with ASARECA/FARA/RAILS. 3th -5th March,2015,

10- Course on integrated Crop- Livestock Production for Marginal and favorable Ecosystems,18-29 September 2016, Amman, Jordan. International Center for Agriculture Research in Dry Area (ICARDA).

11- Training workshop on Concepts of Pastoralism for its sustainable development. Organized by SOS SAHEL SUDAN in collaboration with Tufts University19-23 October 2014. Elobeid, North Kordofan-Sudan.

12- Training Course in Principle of Global Positioning System (G.P.S) and Geographical Information System (G.I.S), organized by Elobeid Research Station during 1-5 May 2016.

13- Short training course on Application of Ultrasonography for Pregnancy Diagnosis in Small Ruminant on 17January 2017, organized by Elobeid Research Station in collaboration with International Center for Agriculture Research in Dry Area (ICARDA).


1- Prof. Babo Fadllala Mohammed: College of Forestry &Range Science-Sudan University of Science and Technology.

                         Mobile: 09129 27 800

                         E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2- Prof. Abdelaziz Karamalla Gaiballa, College of Forestry &Range Science-Sudan University of Science and Technology.

                     Mobile: 0918275494

                     E- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

3- Maryoud. Elnu .Maryoud, University of Kordofan , College of Natural Resources and environmental Studies.

                     Mobile: 0124516222

4- Prof. Faisal Mohamed Ahmed Elhaj: Dry Land Research Center. Khartoum, Soba.

                 Mobile: 0912959765

               Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.